Friday, December 26, 2008

It's a Boy!

We are pleased to announce the Denkins Family is going to have a BOY! Derek believes his name is going to be yucka. The pregnancy has been going very fast. I can't believe we are 1/2 way.

In other news we also have a new nephew, Jake and Michelle had their baby on Christmas Day, and named him John.

We have a couple feet of snow but the weather is warm today, after a very cold December.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Letter 2008

The Denkins Family wishes all our friends and family a happy and healthy holiday season.

What a year 2008 has been! Our dream home is almost complete. We are so grateful for all the help and hard work of our loved ones. Thank You!

Derek is 3 and full of energy. He loves to pretend, tell stories, ask questions and read books.

Jenna is 1 ½ and is becoming such a little lady. She loves purses, shoes, and baby dolls.

We are looking forward to our new bundle of joy arriving in May.

Dustin and Jill took a trip in April to Las Vegas with Jill’s family to celebrate her grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary. We enjoyed the weather and great shows. In June we attended the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair in Wisconsin and during the summer we went to the Denkins Family Reunion held at Grandma Helen’s. Dustin’s also celebrated his10-year high school reunion. In September we traveled to South Carolina in the motor home. We also enjoyed trick-or-treating this fall with our scary dinosaur and cute little lady bug.

Our holiday plans include having our house on tour for the local Habitat for Humanity, spending time with our families, and of course the kids are looking forward to a visit from Santa.

We hope 2009 is wonderful to your family.

Happy New Year!

With Love, The Denkins