Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Fun

As January comes to a close it is amazing how fast the months fly by these days. We have very little snow and the weather has been fairly warm for the most part this month. 
The kids have been learning to cross country ski and skiing in the drive way is a great way to learn.  
 Derek and his lego creation.  Miss Jenna missing her first two teeth!

Dustin and Matt were able to go Winter Camping.  It was a fine trip minus the smoke. 

I was able to go scrapbooking for the first time in a long long time. It was great to be creative and get some of Dylan's scrapbook done. 
The business is remaining very busy. Dustin is gone this weekend to a Lake Home and Cabin Show in Madison, WI. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's The New Year

And so it begins, 2012 and Winter. In December we only had a few small amounts of snow. Yesterday winter decided it was time to join us. We received over 18 inches in a 24 hour time. Today, I managed to get myself stuck in the driveway not once but twice. 
We enjoyed the holiday season- with lots of visitors and visits. The kids highlights were a tablet ( Derek), Lalaloopsy Dolls (Jenna), Train Set (Dylan), Winter Sleeping Bag (Dustin), and Farmstand Chef Cookbook (Jill). 
Cheers to the new year!