It's finally March. We have enjoyed spending most weekends outside playing in the snow. Dustin has done some recent "mods" to his snowmobile which he is enjoying. The Denkins Family spent a day playing at the Thunder Bowl. The kids have been enoying building forts and snow angles, our most recent addition was a snow dinosaur. 

We have had a couple of great parties, including a New Years Party, Super Bowl, and Valentine's. We have a great time with the kids.
We are enjoying more sunny days and the house is performing great. We often are able to turn off the heat turn the day and rely on the sun. We recently got back to working on the house- we need to put more sinks in as well as lots of shelfs.
Derek is getting taller. He loves his dinosaurs and joe-guys. He can count to 5 in Spanish.
Jenna is starting to put three words together "up daddy please", loves her dolls, and follows Derek everywhere. She is definatly a daddy's girl.
Baby #3 is due in 11 weeks! We are getting very excited. I am feeling rather large but enjoying feeling the baby kicking around.
Dustin is starting a new team at work and is going to Boston for a few days this month.
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