Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Fun

Summer Memories of 2010 

The weather has been perfect for the garden but has been causing us to mow a little more than normal for the time of the year. We been able to have lots of beach days. The water temperature is much warmer than normal. 

The kids have been taking swim lessons at the Y. The difference is wonderful to see. Derek and Jenna are both jumping off the side and swimming with the noodles. Next step is going under the water.
The blueberries are simply amazing this year. We have picked about 4 gallons. Blueberry picking is one of my favorite summer night activities. We have 5 small patches on the property which are great for picking berries for breakfast or for a snack. 

We had a wonderful visit with our good friends Andrew and Becky. The kids really enjoyed having company. The guys got to golf a couple rounds, we took them to Pictured Rocks and enjoyed catching up after 4 years. 
They brought there dog Dexter along for the visit. Hopefully we will be able to visit them again soon. 

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